Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pia Toscano: An Interview With The "American Idol" Star

As "American Idol" season 10 gears up for it's Top 8 broadcast tonight featuring songs from the movies, we have this great interview for you from last week's cast-off Pia Toscano.

As you no doubt know, Pia has received massive public support after her shocking ouster - and may have already signed a record deal - though Idol's absolute control over it's contestants may be muddying the waters.

In the interview with Entertainment Tonight, Pia expresses surprise at the level of support she's had saying: "I never expected getting cut from the show [that] I would have this much support. When I was on that stage on Thursday, all I kept thinking... was, 'It's over. I'm not going to be able to perform next week'. I never thought that I would have so much support and I'm so thankful for it."

She confirms that the show's judges offered a great deal of encouragement and says that now she is focussed on preparing for the summer tour - and won't confirm having a record deal - and thinks any of the remaining contestants could win.

But we offer a big warning to James Durbin not to get too comfortable, because as Pia's departure proves, those teeny-bopper hyper-texters in charge of determining the show's winner have it in for highly talented singers. And thanks to returning producer Nigel Lythgoe importing the concept from his "So You Think You Can Dance" contest of the winner being America's FAVORITE dancer (as opposed to BEST dancer) and so having the judges constantly imploring viewer's to vote for their FAVORITE performer, not BEST singer or performer of the night, in addition to them providing no real critiques other than general fawning, those teeny-boppers are well encouraged to pick another cutie-pie who'll fail miserably in the real marketplace.

Watch: "American Idol" star Pia Toscano interview for Entertainment Tonight:

VIDEO: American Idol star Pia Toscano interview by Entertainment Tonight